Prek-12th Grade

On Wednesday nights here at Stanford Baptist, we strive to meet the needs of every age child from PreK-12th grade. 

All children/youth start out in our Christian Life Center at 5:30 p.m. doing organized recreation with some of our adult leaders.

From there they are dismissed into the kitchen by the class for dinner.

Once they are dismissed from eating 7th-12th graders head downstairs in the church to their area where they kick off with prayer, worship, and then learning the truth about God.

PreK-6th graders head upstairs to the church where we have implemented a rotation-type learning for them. They will spend their time equally doing Bible games, worship, and a Bible lesson until dismissal at 7:30 p.m. 

We run multiple bus routes through Stanford to pick up children and take them back home afterward.

If your child would like to join us we would love to have them!

Please contact the church office with any questions or to sign your child up to be picked up for church or follow the link below to sign them up electronically!

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